2020 Virtual Conference
2020 Annual Conference banner graphic

TAGITM 2020 Annual Conference is Going Virtual

We hope you are staying safe and appreciate the hard work every one of our members is putting forth to ensure public health and safety during this challenging time. Due to the far reaching impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had in our communities, the TAGITM Board of Directors has made the decision to transition the in person 2020 Annual Conference to a virtual experience.

TAGITM is very excited about the use of new technology to continue to deliver quality education for our members and government technology professionals throughout the state of Texas and beyond. The details of the new virtual experience are still in the works however we will be able to offer attendees the ability to attend live webinar presentations, participate in round table chat room discussions and interact face-to-face with our sponsors and exhibitors in our interactive virtual exhibit hall. More details will be available in the coming weeks and registration is anticipated to open in July.

This event will be FREE to all government attendees – both TAGITM members, non-members

Sponsor/ Exhibit Opportunities

If you registered for the 2020 in person conference you should have already received communications regarding your registration, exhibit or sponsorship fees. If you have not received a communication or are unclear about your registration status email info@tagitm.org or call 512-220-4295.